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单 价: 面议
品 牌: 未填写
所在地: 广东江门市
更 新: 2024-10-01
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Grand-led Signs is professional manufacturer,specializing in the research ,manufacture and service on the latest led signs . We commit ourselves to provide splendid and creative products,service and solution.
Grand-LED Signs understands that only best product,best service and best price are essential to our survival and success in present drastic competition.The strategy of Grand-LED Sign is to contribute our whole effort to position at professional products.Firstly,we research to choose the most reliable material suppliers and study overall latest technology standards of our products.Secondly,we adopt to use the most reputable and specialized production facilities.The workshop is designed static-shield to protect components from static damage and commit to high production standard.Meanwhile,we apply 5S management system in the whole course of production,so as to control and ensure high quality at each step.
It is our pleasure that our products and service have been highly accepted and appraised by customers The customer’s continual requirement is the driving power to Grand-LED Sign for its excellence in product quality and production technology.

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