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单 价: ¥150
品 牌: 未填写
所在地: 广东广州市
更 新: 2024-09-28
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●Product Name: TC-S001 Series Light Solvent-Based Pigmented inks
●Color: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Light Cyan, Light Magenta, and Black
●Features: TC-S001 series inks are specifically designed, formulated and made for Epson’s fourth generation piezo print-heads. These inks satisfactorily meet with the high requirements of these print-heads on inks to produce high quality printings.
TC-S001 series inks are featured with wide color gamut, outstanding UV stability and long shelf-life. Pictures printed with TC-S001 series inks remain fresh and colorful for as long as 18 months under outdoor radiation conduction without any lamination protection. Top Color’s unique and advanced dispersing technology makes TC-S001 series inks very stable and reliable. Shelf-life of this series inks is 12 months under conventional storage conditions.

●Applicable to: Mimaki JV3-160SP, JV3-250SP;
Roland SJ-540, SJ-640, SJ-740 SC-545EXW;
Mutoh RockHopperⅠ/Ⅱ46“/Ⅱ62“,
and all other wide format printers with Epson’s fourth generation print-heads and other print-heads of the same type.

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